
Hello, I am “Catnip”.  A writer, mother, teacher, student of life, yogini, and also a baby blogger 🙂 I am currently traveling through Spain and will be volunteering in 2012 in South America, culminating with a yoga teacher training course in the spring.  Meanwhile, as you might have noticed, I am writing about it all!  I hope to turn some of these public musings into a travel memoir when I am done.  This blog  “pre-exists” my book; hence the title! Peace to all!

PS  My writing and a lot of other really cool stuff appears on the virtual pages of elephantjournal.  Check out www.elephantjournal.com  and you will be glad you did!

8 Responses to About

  1. The girl next door says:

    Hi catnipkiss! Love it. The site and you. I’m on the rebound from my site where you stopped over, not that it matters but your age is not listed.

    I will be around.

  2. sandra says:

    catnipkiss..i hear you and sex w a moving object is something i can totally relate to..venture on..i will keep reading…botticelli in waiting

  3. Hi! I just discovered your blog through your article on Elephant about wanting to be a yoga teacher. I loved it!! I am about to turn 52 and am about 2/3 of the way through my yoga teacher training. I have desperately wanted to converse with someone my age about all of this! I love my mostly 20 something teachers and fellow trainees, but sometimes I ache for the understanding of one who knows something of what it is like to be in my older body, who has the perspective of raising kids, living through a career, etc., all of those things that may come with 50 years of living. I have been amazed at the depth of discussions I have had with some of my young cohorts and surprised by the fact that it often doesn’t matter how old we are. But, sometimes it does, for me at least. I really related to your article about why you want to teach. I entered my training after having discovered the joys of yoga about a year before. I fell so head over heals in love with what yoga did for me, mind, body and soul, that I wanted to immerse myself in it. As my training has progressed, I have realized that I want to bring the joys of yoga to those who may not have access to it or think they “can’t” do it. I want to bring yoga to mental health clinics, community centers in poorer neighborhoods, overweight people who don’t believe they can move that way. I don’t really envision myself up in front of a class of young, hip, very fit yogis, at least not yet. I am so glad I found your blog and can’t wait to read about your journey through training! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here!


    • catnipkiss says:

      Hi Dottie! Thanks for reading and commenting! I would love to hear about your yoga journey too (i’ll send you an email at your above address and we can keep in touch that way if you like!) I have been doing yoga now for about 7 years, just after my divorce. It has changed me in some really crucial ways and I am so happy to make it a stronger part of my life. What I’ll ACTUALLY do with my training…… who knows? It’s all part of the journey!

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